Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009


ANTHONY: Management Control System 11e
MGH $ 25.00
0071214275 BALL/McCULLOH: International Business 9e MGH $ 20.00
0071215824 BALL: International Business 9e MGH $ 20.00
0071112111 BLOCHER: Cost Management 3e MGH $ 20.00
9780071239356 BODIE: Investments 6e MGH $ 26.00
0071234314 GARRISON: Managerial Accounting 10e MGH $ 20.00
0071214798 KREITNER: Organizational Behaviour 6e MGH $ 26.00
0071255141 GIBSON: Organizations 12e, (Koran) MGH $ 17.00
9780071263771 PRESSMAN: WEB Engineering MGH $ 27.00
978-0-07-110218-6 ABBOTT: Natural Disasters, 6e MGH $ 28.00
0071244166 ACZEL: Complete Business Statistics, 6e, with Student CD-ROM MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110182-0 ADLER: Communication At Work, 9e MGH $ 25.00
9780071284929 AINSWORTH: Introduction to Accounting 5e MGH $ 28.00
0071248269 ALPHA CHIANG: Fundamental Methods of Matematical 4e MGH $ 17.00
0071248269A ALPHA CHIANG: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical 4e MGH $ 17.00
9780071287555 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY: Chemistry in Context, 6e MGH $ 27.00
0071254099 ANTHONY: Accounting: Text and Cases 12e MGH $ 25.00
0071254102 ANTHONY: Management Control Systems 12e MGH $ 25.00
0071244190 APPLEGATE:Corporate Information Strategy and Management,7e MGH $ 26.00
0071287566 APPLEYARD: International Economics 6e MGH $ 25.00
0071101055 ARENS: Contemporary Advertising 11e MGH $ 25.00
0071117865 ARENS: Contemporary Advertising, 10e, with OLC MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-128438-7 ARNY: Explorations: Introduct to Astro., 5e Starry Night Pro DVD MGH $ 25.00
9780071259132 BAKER: Advance Financial Accounting 7e MGH $ 25.00
0071284079 BALDWIN: Developing Management Skills MGH $ 26.00
0071286675 BALL: International Business 11e MGH $ 29.00
9780070164482 BALTZAN: Business Driven Information System (With CD) MGH $ 27.00
9780071285056 BARAN: Introduction to Mass Communication With 2.0 DVD 5e MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-110191-2 BARATTO: Basic Mathematical Skills, 7e, with Geometry MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110193-6 BARATTO: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 3e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-128400-4 BARNES: Law for Business, 10e MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-111319-9 BARNETT: Precalculus, 6e MGH $ 26.00
9780071259156 BARTLETT: Transnational Management: Text, Cases 5e MGH $ 24.00
9780071101547 BASSHAM: Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction, 3e MGH $ 26.00
9780071287609 BATEMAN: Management: Leading & Collaborating 8e MGH $ 27.00
007110853X BATEMAN: Management: Leading and Collaborating 7e MGH $ 26.00
0071263209 BAYE: Managerial Economics and Business Strategy 6e MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-125948-4 BEAMER: Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace, 4e MGH $ 26.00
0071274081 BECKMAN: Operations Strategy 1e MGH $ 26.00
9780071284400 BELCH: Advertising and Promotion 8e MGH $ 27.00
0077110005 BENNET: Object Oriented System Analyses and Design 3e MGH $ 26.00
9780071287616 BERNHEIM: Microeconomics MGH $ 27.00
0071160582 BISHOP: Pollution Prevention Fundamentals and Practice MGH $ 38.00
978-0-07-128762-3 BLANK: Basics of Engineering Economy MGH $ 26.00
0071241906 BLOCHER: Cost Management : Strategic Emphasis 4e MGH $ 25.00
978007128571x BLOCK: Foundations of Financial Management, 12e MGH $ 25.00
007125143X BODIE: Essentials of Investments 6e MGH $ 24.00
0071263241 BODIE: Essentials of Investments 7e MGH $ 26.00
9780071263252 BODIE: Investments 8e MGH $ 28.00
0071266364 BORDENS: Research Design and Methods 7e MGH $ 26.00
007110142X BORJAS: Labor Economics 4e MGH $ 26.00
9780071280914 BOWERMAN: Business Statistics and Practice 5e MGH $ 27.00
0071286055 BOWERMAN: Essentials of Business Statistics 2e, with CD MGH $ 17.00
0071254145 BOWERSOX: Supply Chain Logistics Management, 2e MGH $ 24.00
978-0-07-126603-1 BRADLEY: English for Nursing and Health Care MGH $ 26.00
0071109382 BREALEY: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 5e, MGH $ 25.00
0071263276 BREALEY: Principles of Corporate Finance 9e MGH $ 28.00
0071287639 BREWER: Introduction to Managerial Accounting 4e MGH $ 26.00
9780071102001 BROOKER: Biology MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-126328-3 BROWN: Complex Variables and Applications, 8e MGH $ 24.00
978-0-07-126598-0 BROWN:Fund. of Digital Logic with Verilog Design (with CD), 2e MGH $ 25.00
0071100903 BUDD: Labor Relations: Striking a Balance 2e MGH $ 26.00
9780071102247 BURDGE: Chemistry MGH $ 29.00
9780071263290 BURGELMAN: Strategic Management of Technology 5e MGH $ 25.00
0071287698 BYARS: Human Resource Management 9e MGH $ 24.00
9780071263313 CACHON: Matching Supply with Demand 2e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110225-4 CAREY: Organic Chemistry, 7e MGH $ 28.00
0071105948 CATEORA: International Marketing, 13e MGH $ 26.00
007111565X CECCHETTI: Money, Banking and Financial Markets MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-128673-2 CERTO: Supervision: Concepts and Skill Building, 6e MGH $ 26.00
0071105956 CHANG: Chemistry 9e MGH $ 23.00
978-0-07-126557-7 CHRYSSIDES: Essentials of Business Ethics MGH $ 26.00
9780071287753 COLANDER: Economics 7e MGH $ 26.00
9780071287760 COLQUITT: Organizational Behavior MGH $ 26.00
9780071263337 COOPER: Business Research Methods 10e MGH $ 28.00
9780071263351 CRAVENS: Strategic Marketing 9e MGH $ 27.00
0071244336 CRAWFORD: New Products Management 8e MGH $ 26.00
0071263365 CRAWFORD: New Products Management 9e MGH $ 28.00
9780071283953 CRUICKSHANK: The Art of Teaching, 5e MGH $ 29.00
9780071287784 CUNNINGHAM: Environmental Science, 10e MGH $ 26.00
9780071283984 DACEY: Human Development Across the Lifespan 7e MGH $ 28.00
9780071287807 DAVIS: Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2e MGH $ 26.00
9780071263375 DEJANASZ: Interpersonal Skills in Organizations 3e MGH $ 24.50
978-0-07-128782-1 DENNISTON: General, Organic and Biochemistry, 6e MGH $ 28.00
9780071263399 DESJARDINS: An Introduction to Business Ethics 3e MGH $ 24.00
9780071287845 DESS: Strategic Management: Text and Cases 4e MGH $ 28.00
0071109404 DESS: Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 3e, with OLC MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-126436-5 DHAMDHERE: Operating Systems, 2e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-128785-2 DIAS: Introduction to Business MGH $ 26.00
9780071263412 DIETER: Engineering Design 4e MGH $ 26.00
0071286691 DOANE: Essentials Statistics in Business MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110201-8 DOLPHIN: Biological Investigations Lab Manual, 8e MGH $ 24.00
978-0-07-128426-4 DOMINICK: Dynamics of Mass Communication with 2.0 DVD 10e MGH $ 28.00
0071259244 DORNBUSCH: Macroeconomics 10e MGH $ 26.00
0071112804 DORNBUSCH: Macroeconomics 9e MGH $ 26.00
007125420X DOUPNIK: International Accounting MGH $ 24.00
007135896 DOWLING: Introduction to Mathematical Economics 3e MGH $ 17.00
978-0-07-128402-8 DUGOPOLSKI: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 3e MGH $ 28.00
0071115390 DUNCAN: Principles of Advertising and Integreted Market 2e MGH $ 26.00
9780071263436 DWYER: Business Marketing 4e MGH $ 28.00
0071284176 EDMONDS: Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts 6e MGH $ 26.00
9780071101905 EIDE: Engineering Fundamentals Problem-Solving, 5e MGH $ 26.00
9780071260442 EUN: International Financial Management, 4e MGH $ 24.00
978-0-07-128790-6 FELLMAN: Human Geography, 10e MGH $ 26.00
0071285601 FERREL: Business: A Changing World 6e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-128572-8 FINCH:Operations Now: Supply Chain Profit & Perfor 3e, Std CD MGH $ 24.00
978-0-07-128486-8 FISKE: Social Cognition from Brains to Culture MGH $ 26.00
0071263462 FITZSIMMONS: Service Management 6e, with CD-ROM) MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-126347-4 FORD: Design for Electrical and Computer Engineering MGH $ 23.00
978-0-07-110223-0 FOROUZAN: Cryptography and Network Security MGH $ 25.00
0071254420 FOROUZAN: Data Communication and Networking, 4e MGH $ 24.00
9780071285933 FOWLER: Electricity: Principles & Applications Simulation CD, 7e MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-128791-3 FOX: Fundamentals of Human Physiology MGH $ 28.00
0071263497 FRANK: Microeconomics and Behavior 7e MGH $ 27.00
9780071285421 FRANK: Principles of Economics 4e MGH $ 26.00
0071108157 FRANK: Principles of Economics, 3e, Mandatory Package MGH $ 25.50
9780071106078 FRENZEL: Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 3e MGH $ 26.00
0071101063 FUTRELL: Fundamentals of Selling 10e MGH $ 26.00
0071117911 FUTRELL: Fundamentals of Selling, 9e, with Act CD MGH $ 25.50
9780071106603 GALANES:Effective Group Discussion: Theory & Practice, 12e MGH $ 26.00
9780071263511 GARLAND: Experiments in Physical Chemistry 8e MGH $ 29.00
0071101136 GARRISON: Managerial Accounting 12e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110180-6 GETLEIN: Living with Art Book Alone, 8e MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-128666-4 GIAMBATTISTA: Physics MGH $ 26.00
9780071263528 GIBSON: Organizations 13e MGH $ 28.00
0071244468 GRAY: Project Management: The Managerial Process 3e MGH $ 26.00
9780071114097 GREEN: Health Program Planning with PowerWeb 4e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-126625-3 GREENBERG: Comprehensive Stress Management, 9e MGH $ 26.00
0071109056 GREWAL: Marketing MGH $ 25.00
0071287957 GUELL: Issues in Economics Today 4e MGH $ 28.00
0071230173 GUJARATI: Basic Econometrics 4e MGH $ 18.00
0071244484 GUJARATI: Essentials of Econometrics, 3e (with CD-ROM) MGH $ 24.00
978-0-07-128419-6 HAAG: Manag.Inf.Systems,7e,with Student CD & MiSource 07CD MGH $ 27.00
0071266348 HAIR: Essentials of Marketing Research MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-125951-4 HAMILTON: Kinesiology Scientific Basis of Human Motion, 11e MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-126460-0 HARTMAN: Business Ethics MGH $ 26.00
9780071259262 HATTERSLEY: Management Communication, 3e MGH $ 26.00
9780071263542 HAUGAARD: Child Psychopathology MGH $ 27.00
0071109153 HAWKINS: Consumer Behavior, 10e, with DDB Lifestyle MGH $ 26.00
9780071287975 HICKMAN: Integrated Principles of Zoology 14e MGH $ 29.00
0071100970 HILL: Global Business Today 5e MGH $ 25.00
0071109129 HILL: International Business 6e MGH $ 25.00
9780071287982 HILL: International Business 7e MGH $ 28.00
0071238107 HILLIER: Introduction to Management Science 2e MGH $ 26.00
0071259279 HILLIER: Introduction to Management Science 3e MGH $ 26.00
007123828X HILLIER: Introduction to Operations Research 8e MGH $ 26.00
007128799x HILTON: Cost Management: Strategic for Bussines Decisions 4e MGH $ 28.00
978007110114x HILTON: Managerial Accounting, 7e MGH $ 25.00
0071286381 HIRSCHEY: Investments With International MGH $ 26.00
9780071259521 HIRSRICH: Entrepreneurship 7e MGH $ 25.00
0071283765 HIRT: Fundamentals of Investments Management 9e MGH $ 26.00
9780071283762 HIRT: Fundamentals of Investments Management 9e HC MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-128801-9 HOEFNAGELS: Biology: Concepts and Investigations MGH $ 29.00
978-0-07-123246-3 HOPP: Factory Physics, 3e MGH $ 25.00
9780071274654 HOPP: Supply Chain Science MGH $ 28.00
0071101152 HOPWOOD: Forensic accounting MGH $ 26.00
007126356x HOSMER: Ethics of Management 6e MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-127464-7 HOWARD: Introduction to Solid Modeling, 3e MGH $ 24.00
978-0-07-110186-8 HOY:Educational Administration:Theory, Research & Practice,8e MGH $ 25.00
007110674X HOYLE: Advanced Accounting, 8e MGH $ 25.00
9780071263597 HUGHES: Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience 6e MGH $ 26.00
0071244530 HUGHES: Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 5e MGH $ 26.00
0071101160 HURT: Accounting Information System 1e MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-110675-7 HYDE: Introduction to Genetic Principles MGH $ 29.00
0071101276 HYNES:Managerial Communication 4e MGH $ 26.00
0071254234 IVANCEVICH: Human Resource Management, 10e MGH $ 24.50
978-0-07-128580-3 IVANCEVICH: Organizational Behavior and Management, 8e MGH $ 26.00
9780071284189 JACOBS: Operations and Supply Management 12e MGH $ 27.00
9780071274098 JAEGAR: Microelectronic Circuit Design 3e MGH $ 28.00
9780071284202 JENSEN: Engineering Drawing and Design, 7e MGH $ 28.00
0071244549 JOHANSSON: Global Marketing, 4e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110212-4 JOHNSON: The Living World, 5e MGH $ 23.00
007128561X JONES: Contemporary Management 5e MGH $ 26.00
978007110087x JORDAN: Fundamnetals of Investment, 4e MGH $ 25.00
0071216162 KARDONG: Introduction to Biological Evolution 2e MGH $ 25.00
0071254250 KATZ: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining 4e MGH $ 26.00
0071288074 KATZ: Entrepreneurial Small Business 2e MGH $ 28.00
9780071259538 KAY: Farm Management, 6e MGH $ 25.00
9780071276276 KELLISON: Theory of Interest 3e MGH $ 28.00
9780071285568 KETCHEN: Strategy 2008-2009 MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-128403-5 KING: Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View MGH $ 27.00
0071263128 KINICKI: Manajement: A Practical Introduction 3e MGH $ 25.00
0071285776 KINICKI; Organizational Behavior 3e MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-128608-4 KOTTAK: Cultural Anthropology with Living Anthro. Std CD,12e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-128607-7 KOTTAK:Anthropol.:The Explor.Hum. Diversity,12e,with Std CD MGH $ 25.00
007110822X KREITNER: Organizational Behavior 7e, Mandatory Package MGH $ 26.00
9780071288088 KREITNER: Organizational Behavior 8e MGH $ 28.00
9780071286541 KROS:Spreadsheet Mod.for Business Dec.Std CD & CBSVS MGH $ 26.00
9780071101752 KSIR: Drugs, Society and Human Behavior, 12e MGH $ 26.00
0071283161 LANEN/MAHER: Fundamentals of Cost Accounting 2e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-126652-9 LANGAN: College Writing Skills with Readings, 7e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110168-4 LARSEN: Personality Psychology, 3e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-126556-0 LATTIMORE:Public Relations: The Profession & the Practice, 2e MGH $ 26.00
0071101020 LAWRENCE: Business and Society 12e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-126363-4 LEHMANN: Analysis for Marketing Planning, 7e MGH $ 25.00
0071238328 LEHMANN: Product Management 4e MGH $ 26.00
9780071285841 LEVETIN: Plants and Society, 5e MGH $ 28.00
9780071284240 LEVY: Retailing Management 7e MGH $ 28.00
9780071283106 LEWIS: Human Genetics, 8e MGH $ 26.00
0071107746 LIBBY: Financial Accounting 5e MGH $ 26.00
9780071282468 LILES: Internal Medicine Pediatrics MGH $ 29.00
0071263659 LIND: Basic Statistics for Business & Economics 6e MGH $ 26.00
0071244611 LIND: Statistical Techniques in Business 12e MGH $ 25.00
9780071285759 LIND: Statistical Techniques in Business 13e MGH $ 25.00
978007110130x LING: Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach, 2e MGH $ 26.00
9780071280242 LOCKER: Business Communication 4e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110208-7 LONGENBAKER: Mader's Understanding Human A&P, 6e MGH $ 26.00
9780071285032 LOUWERS: Auditing and Assurance Services 3e MGH $ 26.00
0071102981 LOUWERS: Auditing and Assurance Services, 2e MGH $ 26.00
9780071277501 LUCAS: Customer Service Skills for Success 4e MGH $ 24.00
9780071283144 LUTHANS: International Management 7e MGH $ 28.00
9780071259309 LUTHANS: Organizational Behavior 11e MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-128315-1 MADER: Concepts of Biology MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-128579-7 MADER: Human Biology, 10e MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-110213-1 MADER: Inquiry Into Life, 12e MGH $ 25.00
007124249X MARCOVITZ: Introduct. to Logic & Comp. Design with CD Rom MGH $ 18.00
9780071283175 MARSHALL: Accounting: What the Numbers Mean, 8e MGH $ 28.00
9780071259316 MARTIN: Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Intro, 3e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-126366-5 MARTOCCHIO:Employee Benefits: A Primer for HR Prof., 3e MGH $ 26.00
0071283196 MCCONNELL: Contemporary Labor Economics 8e MGH $ 25.00
9780071102209 MCCONNELL: Good Earth: Introduction to Earth Science MGH $ 25.00
9780071101455 MCCONNELL: Microeconomics 17e MGH $ 24.00
0071117229 MCKINLEY: Human Anatomy 2e MGH $ 26.00
0071265287 MCSHANE: Organizational Behavior (Essentials) MGH $ 25.00
0071101047 MCSHANE: Organizational Behavior 4e MGH $ 25.00
9780071101042 MCSHANE: Organizational Behavior 4e (Hard Cover) MGH $ 25.00
0071244646 MEGGINSON: Small Business Manag.: An Entrepreneur's , 5e MGH $ 26.00
0071284664 MESSIER: Auditing and Assurance Services: A Systematic 6e MGH $ 26.00
0071259325 MILKOVICH: Compensation 9e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-128362-5 MONTGOMERY: Environmental Geology, 8e MGH $ 26.00
9781422101797 MOSS: Concise Macroeconomics MGH $ 24.00
0071101098 MULLINS: Marketing Management: A Strategic 6e MGH $ 25.00
978-0-07-128670-1 MYERS: Social Psychology, 9e, with CD-ROM MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-126370-2 NAHMIAS: Production and Operations Analysis, 6e MGH $ 26.00
0071117237 NAVIDI: Statistics of Engineers and Scientists 2e MGH $ 26.00
9780071278898 NICKELS: Understanding Business 8e MGH $ 25.00
0071259341 NOE: Employee Training & Development 4e MGH $ 23.00
9780071279437 NOE: Human Resource Management 6e, with OLC MGH $ 28.00
978-0-07-128477-6 NOREEN: Managerial Accounting for Managers MGH $ 28.00
0071284850 O'BRIEN: Introduction Information Systems 14e MGH $ 27.00
007111629X O'BRIEN: Management Information Systems 7e MGH $ 26.00
0071286268 O'BRIEN: Management Information Systems 8e MGH $ 26.00
978-0-07-110153-0 O'LEARY: Computing Essentials 2008 Complete 19e MGH $ 26.00
0071244719 O'SULLIVAN: Urban Economics, 6e MGH $ 24.00

4 komentar:

  1. Selamat ya, akhirnya online juga.
    Saya yang pernah pesan'Menjadi Muslim Kaffah' 100 exl.

    Kontennya buat yang asyik... seperti GEMA Insani Press, Gramedia, Mizan Publika, dll


  2. Saya ingin menerbitkan hasil penelitian tesis saya dar UNY tentang Learning Society (Masyarakat belajar). Bagaimana bentuk pengirimannyake PP, bagaimana konfirmasi jika naskah itu diterima atau tidak. Maaf...jika diterima dan diterbitkan, bagaimana aturan royaltinya. Mohon kesediaannya untuk menjelaskan di atau 081338956657.
    Mohon kesediaannya.

  3. apakah PUSTAKA PELAJAR masih tetap aktip ?
    salam dari Jaap Erkelens di Hilversum

  4. wah artikelnya bagus nih sob, bermnfaat bgt, mksih yah ats infonya dan sukses! :)
